At Gentleman Biker, we pride ourselves on publishing independent gear and destination reviews that put our readers first, and high-quality content will always be our first priority. All products and destinations featured on our site have been used, abused, eaten, refused to be eaten, slept in, enjoyed, and/or annoyed by us or our weekend companion and/or opinionated ride compatriots. We are not paid to cover the gear and destinations we write about.

That said, when you purchase a product or make a reservation through a link on our website, we earn an affiliate commission. This is now a common media practice used by many notable sites, including Wirecutter, Gear Patrol, and Wired.

Here’s how it works: When you click a link on one of our pages that goes to an affiliate retailer or partner travel site, the URL automatically notes that you came from Gentleman Biker. If you purchase that product, we may earn a small commission that helps pay for our work. It doesn’t cost you more—the price is the same as if you went directly to the site. We carefully choose both the products and destinations we link to and the retailers/agents that sell them to offer you competitive prices and a smooth shopping experience. Affiliate links do not factor into our coverage other than to make it easier for you, our readers, to get the gear you want and experience the places you choose at a great price (although we cannot guarantee it will always be the best deal available).

If a manufacturer or retailer has paid for any placement on our website, it is noted clearly with a Sponsored Content tag.

Our reputation with our readers is the most valuable asset we possess. We will continue to review and discuss products and destinations honestly and independently with one simple goal: to help you along the road well traveled.


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If you have any questions about our affiliate links, please send an email to [email protected].

Revised 03/28/2023